There are some diseased items that only Clan Pestilens would dare to touch.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition
Clan Pestilens Befouled ItemsURL Copied!
The below items may only be selected by Clan Pestilens units or characters.
Arcane Items
Plague Priests going to war often bring along copied magical script from the great Liber Bubonicus. It has been written in warpstone ink on living hides.
One use only. Bound Spell (Power level 5). The spell has a range of 24" and can be cast on any unit visible to the bearer. The spell inflicts one Strength 2 hit on every model in the unit, with no armour saves allowed.
Magic Standards
This foul, dripping and disease-ridden banner invigorates the Plague Monks to a new rabid ferocity.
One use only. Once per game in any Close Combat phase the Plague Banner may be activated. For the remainder of the phase all Plague Monk models in the unit may re-roll failed To Hit rolls and failed To Wound rolls.