Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Rocket Battery
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RangeStrengthSounds CasuedArmour Save

A Helstorm Rockety Battery follows the rules for war machines in the Warhammer rulebook.

Firing the Rocket Batter

Nominate the target model and turn the Rocket Battery to face it. Declare how far you want to fire the salvo of rockets, guessing the range without measuring. You must guess a distance between 12" and 48".

Once you've made your guess, roll the artillery dice. If the artillery dice shows a misfire, something has gone wrong - roll a D6 and consult the rocket misfire chart. A misfire roll automatically cancels out the shot. If the artillery dice shows a number, add the result of the artillery dice to the amount you guessed and then place the 5" round template this many inches from the Rocket Battery.

Now roll the scatter dice and an artillery dice (again). If you roll a hit, then the rocket salvo lands on target. If you roll an arrow, move the template the number of inches indicated by the artillery dice (re-rolling any misfire results on this second roll).


Each model hit by the rocket salvo takes a Strength 5 hit with the normal -2 armour save modifier. Any single model directly under the template's hole is automatically hit, even if its base is not completely covered.


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