The dreaded plague censer is a weapon that is only borne by the degenerate ratmen of Clan Pestilens.
A plague censer is a Warpstone Weapon and counts as a flail with the following additional rules to cover the deadly fog that surrounds such vile weapons:
At the beginning of any round of close combat, all models fighting with a plague censer, and any model (friend and foe) in base contact with one or more models fighting with a plague censer, must take a Toughness test or suffer a single wound with no armour save allowed. This means that a model need only take a single such Toughness test in each round of combat, regardless of the number of plague censers that it might be adjacent to. Remember all such wounds count for combat resolution. Wounds caused by the fog are resolved before Impact Hits, issuing challenges, and revealing Assassins.
All Clan Pestilens models, that is, Plague Monks, Plague Priests, Plague Censer Bearers, Plague Furnace, Lord Skrolk, and the Plagueclaw Catapult suffer a wound only on a roll of 6.