Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Treason of Tzeentch
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Spell Level 4Casting Value: 9+

A subtle whisper in the minds of the enemy temporarily persuades warriors to change their allegiance and attack their comrades.

Target one unengaged enemy unit that is not Immune to Psychology. If that unit is within 24", all the models in the unit immediately make one attack against the unit itself. Roll to hit, to wound and take saves as normal, counted as an ongoing combat. The caster may choose which of the unit's weapons is used for these attacks, though the hand weapon and shield saving throw bonus does not apply. Note that characters and mounts cannot be affected by this spell. After this treasonous attack has been resolved, the unit may have to take a Panic test due to casualties inflicted - if it flees it will be towards the nearest table edge.