The earth opens beneath the feet of the enemy and the terrified warriors fall screaming into a bottomless pit filled with shadow and the incessant wailing of 'Those who dwell below'.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition
Pit of ShadesURL Copied!
The Pit of Shades can be cast on any one unengaged enemy unit within 24" and visible to the caster. If successfully cast, the ground falls away beneath the unit's feet.
Take the small round template and place it over a single enemy unit. All models in the target unit completely under the template are automatically hit and those partially covered by it are hit on a 4+ on a D6. Models hit must immediately take an Initiative test to avoid falling into the pit. If the test is passed, the model is not affected, but models failing this test are swallowed up by the ground and removed as casualties, regardless of any magical protection or special rules they may have. After this, the ground seals up and closes the pit, leaving no trace.