Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Flaming Sword of Rhuin
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Spell Level 2Casting Value: 5+

A glowing blade materialises in the caster's band, rippling with magical flames and the concentrated power of fire magic. Fast as quicksilver, the blade strikes with great power and accuracy and there are few who can survive the searing wounds it inflicts.

Remains in play. This spell is cast on the Wizard himself. A magical flaming blade materialises in the Wizard's grasp. This counts as a magic weapon. The Wizard gains +1 additional Attack to his profile for the duration of the spell. All the Wizard's attacks will hit on a basic score of 2+ and he adds +3 to his Strength whilst using the Sword of Rhuin. Whilst he has the Flaming Sword, the Wizard must use it as his sole weapon - he cannot combine it with other weapons.