Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Wardancer Kindreds
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Kindreds of Caidath

Sometimes those of the Wardancer Kindreds are known as the Shadow Dancers of Loec, Feast Masters, Bladesingers and Deathdancers. They are a cult Kindred dedicated to the Elven trickster god Loec, the god of laughter, dance and music.

The name Caidath has evolved from the Elven root-word Cadaith. This Greater Word carries the following meanings: grace, power, music of the stars.

Wood Elf characters can be upgraded to become a member of a Wardancer Kindred.

Wood Elf Highborn: +50 points
Wood Elf Noble: +30 points

The character loses their longbow, but gains the special rules Wardancer Weapons, Shadow Dances of Loec, Immune to Psychology and Talismanic Tattoos.

Wardancer characters may not wear any armour or be given magical weapons that are not classed as Wardancer Weapons. The character must fight on foot and cannot join any units except Wardancers - if they join a unit of Wardancers, then both the unit and the character(s) must use the same Shadow Dance.