If the combat ends in a draw, or if at least one defeated unit passes its Break test, the fight will continue in the next close combat phase and the player will move to the next fight he wants to resolve during the present close combat phase. Before he does that though, it is best to tidy up the formations of the units involved in the previous fight. This will not always prove necessary, as much depends upon the casualties inflicted and the combat results.
Remember, a unit must always contain the same number of models in each rank as the first, except for its rear rank which may contain fewer. The process of redressing the ranks is intended to ensure that this remains true after combat, and also affords victors the chance to adjust their formation, as described below.
Casualties are usually removed from a unit's rear, as described earlier. Remember, a unit engaged in combat cannot move and so has no opportunity to change its formation in its movement phase.
If a character or champion in the unit is killed, this will leave a gap in the unit's front rank. Move a model forward from the rear rank to fill the gap, or, if the unit is fighting in a single rank, move a model from one end of the unit.
If a unit is engaged from its rear, or if a unit in a single line is engaged from the flanks, removing casualties could force some enemy units to lose contact with the unit. In these rare cases, move these units forward to keep in contact with the models they are killing (see Diagram 36.2).

In multiple combats it sometimes happens that at the end of a close combat phase some units are no longer engaged with any enemy unit (maybe because the unit they were engaged with has been completely destroyed). Such units are out of combat and can move normally from then on.