It may happen that one or more victorious units have defeated several enemies that were engaging them from different sides, which is a rather complex situation.
For example, two enemy units are fleeing from the victor's front and another one is fleeing from the victor's right flank.
The sequence of actions in these cases is summarised below:
Multiple Flee/Pursue Sequence
Declare in which direction each victorious unit is going to pursue and take tests to try to restrain pursuit of any victorious units that do not wish to pursue.
Roll the dice to determine the flee distance of each fleeing unit.
Roll the dice to determine the pursue distance of each pursuing unit. Remove fleeing units that have been caught by their pursuers.
Move directly away from their pursuers all fleeing units that managed to escape.
Move pursuing units directly after their fleeing enemies, in the directions declared.
A victorious unit that can pursue may choose to pursue any of the enemies that were engaged with it and are now fleeing away from it. All victorious units involved in the fight must first declare in which direction they are going to pursue - they can pursue the enemies fleeing from their front, from their right flank, from their left flank or from their rear.
After all flee and pursue rolls, compare the pursuit rolls of all pursuers with the flee rolls of all the enemy units they are pursuing. Destroy all fleeing units that have been caught.
To continue the example above, the winning unit declares it is pursuing the two enemies fleeing from its front. The enemy fleeing from the flank escapes automatically, as nobody is pursuing it. Then the pursuer will compare its pursuit roll with the flee roll of both units fleeing from its front and destroy those that have not scored higher. The pursuer is finally moved towards its front.
If the victor chose to pursue towards its flank or rear, the unit first pivots on the spot to face the direction it is going to move to and then moves straight forward (see Diagrams 43.1 and 44.1). Because of this pivoting, occasionally pursuers might move far enough to reach the unit they are pursuing, even if they rolled less than the fleeing unit (trust us, it might happen!). In such cases, stop the pursuing unit 1" behind the fleeing unit.