If the charged unit has missile weapons and all of the units charging it are more than half their charge move away (taking into account wheeling and terrain penalties), troops can shoot at one of the charging units as they advance (see Diagram 18.1). This shooting is worked out just before moving chargers, during the move chargers part of the movement phase - refer to the Shooting section for rules governing missile weapons.

If the chargers start their charge beyond the maximum range of the shooting unit's missile weapons, their charge is interrupted and the shots are made at the maximum range of the weapons the unit lets loose as soon as their enemies are within range of every firing model in the unit. If the volley fails to stop the enemy, the charge is then completed, while if the chargers Panic (see the Psychology section) they will flee from this position.
If the chargers are found to be too close to stand & shoot, treat the reaction as hold instead.