Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Weapons (and Equipment) - Frequently Asked Questions
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Does a character benefit from the "Fighting with hand weapon and shield (infantry)" rule found on page 56, if armed with a mundane hand weapon and a magical shield?

Yes. However it will not if armed with a magical weapon and a mundane or magical shield, because the magical weapon loses the normal rules of hand weapons.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)

Does the Strength bonus conferred by spears and lances to charging models only apply against a unit that they actually charged, or does the bonus also apply to enemy units which may have counter-charged them in a situation such as mentioned on page 45, at the end of Pursuit into Fresh Enemy?

Against all enemies, even those that might have counter-charged them. This is because in reality the chargers from both sides would be simultaneously running into each other and not moving in turns.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)

If a character using a lance in close combat has his chariot/monster mount destroyed/killed can he continue to fight in subsequent rounds of the same combat, as lances are 'mounted only'?

If this happens, the lance effectively disappears and the character must start using a hand weapon (which he is assumed to carry). Note that this happens even if the character was equipped with a magic lance, which is now lost.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)