Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

War Machines - Frequently Asked Questions
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When a war machine unit is charged, the crew are supposed to line up as part of a Hold reaction. Does this mean that the chargers must align to the position of the crew? Or must the crew actually align to the charging unit (which would mean that non-skirmishing chargers are allowed to tactical wheel against war machines to dictate favourable overrun/pursuit paths)?

The machine's crew must line up perpendicularly to the line of the charge, but the chargers can wheel at any point of their charge, as with skirmishers, in order to get a better pursue/overrun path. Diagram 84.1 is just an example of chargers going straight, but they are not obliged to do so.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)

Can a war machine that has no crew be charged? If so, must it be charged by a frenzied unit?

Yes to both. It is, after all, still an enemy unit.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)

I find the text about the Unit Strength of War Machines slightly confusing. What is the unit Strength of a Great Cannon with three crewmen for example?

Yes, the text on page 71 could be read to imply that the warmachine unit (i.e. the gun itself and its crew) have a US of 6. However the intention is that the gun itself has a US of 0, and each remaining crew simply have a US of 1 each. The war machine unit in the example above would therefore have US3. A bolt thrower with one remaining crew, as a further example, would have a US of 1.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)