Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Skirmishers - Frequently Asked Questions
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Are Skirmishing units allowed to reform?

Not really, as this manoeuvre would have no effect on them. In the same way, when a fleeing skirmishing unit rallies, there is no need to do anything other than turning its models on the spot so that they face towards the enemy!

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)

If a skirmishing unit is charged by two or more enemy units from different directions, how do I determine which enemy hits them in the flank/rear as they have none when the charges are declared?

In the Move Chargers part of the Movement phase, the player controlling the chargers must decide which unit goes in first against the skirmishers and move it in. The skirmishers are then immediately formed up normally against the first charger. At this point the skirmishers have a front/flank/rear zone, and any other charging enemy must treats the situation just like a charge against a fight that was there from a previous turn.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)

When charging skirmishers, the 7th edition first official Errata & FAQ document states that you have to contact the closest 'visible' skirmisher. If you are unable to contact this skirmisher (due to interposing terrain, friendly units, etc.), is the charge then failed, even though you might be able to contact other skirmishers in the unit?

It seems fair that, in this most rare of circumstances, you are still allowed to charge the skirmishing unit by contacting the nearest visible skirmisher you can reach.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)

How do skirmishers flee exactly (this may be important for determining if they have to flee through enemies or impassable terrain)?

If the skirmishers are fleeing from a combat the situation is easy, as they are treated exactly as a normal ranked up unit. If they aren't, the situation may get a bit more complicated. First, the closest visible skirmisher flees directly away from the centre of the charging unit by the distance rolled. Then, every other fleeing skirmisher is moved by the same distance along the same (parallel) direction as the first, trying to keep the skirmishing unit as much as possible in the same formation, as shown in the diagram below.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)

Are the Monsters and Handlers rules designed only for units consisting of one Monster (e.g. War Hydra)? Or do they apply to units consisting of multiple "monsters" and handlers as well (e.g. Salamander Packs)?

Salamanders are not Monsters (their special rules say they have to take Monster reaction tests, but this, like all special rules, is an exception). So Salamander Packs are simply a skirmishing infantry unit. Monsters, by definition, are single large models (like the Hydra).

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)

By the text itself, Monster & Handlers units move as Skirmishers. Does this mean that the War Hydra can move through difficult terrain without penalty? And would it then be slowed by terrain when charging (as the handlers are ignored)?

The rules are clear on the matter – the Monster & Handlers move as Skirmishers so can move freely through difficult terrain, but when charging are slowed as normal.

Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)