Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Skaven - Frequently Asked Questions
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On page 53, the Packmasters' special rule Running with the Pack (i.e. no rank bonus) and the special rule Beast Pack mentioning the Strength in Numbers rule seem to contradict each other.

The Running with the Pack rule does not mean units of Rat Ogres never have a rank bonus, but rather than the Packmaster and Master Moulder models are ignored when working out the unit's rank bonus, so only ranks of Rat Ogres count. Use the Packmasters' or Master Moulders' Ld value (or the General's) as the base Ld for the unit, to which you then add the Rat Ogres' rank bonus.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Do Rat Ogres and Giant Rats without Packmasters have the Strength in Numbers special rule?

No, left on their own the beasts lose this rule.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

A Master Moulder counts as a champion in all respects, so it has to be placed in its unit's front rank, right?

Yes, but we think it looks better if you put it on the leftmost or rightmost position in the rank.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Is a Master-bred Rat Ogre a unit champion in all respects? Can it issue/meet a challenge, for example?

Yes it is, and yes it can (in a kind of instinctive and inarticulate way, probably).

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

As frenzied creatures, the Rat Ogres are Immune to Psychology. What about their Packmasters? Are they still subject to panic?

This is a bit of a complicated situation, where a unit has a mix of frenzied and non-frenzied models. The only other occurrence we can think of when something like this ever happens is when a non-frenzied character joins a frenzied unit. For simplicity's sake, we tend to apply these same rules for the Packmasters/Master Moulders in units of Rat Ogres. So, as long as the Rat Ogres are frenzied, we consider the entire unit Immune to Psychology and obliged to charge, but the Packmasters don't get any extra Attacks.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What is the Doomwheel's Unit Strength? Is it a monster?

Even though it is quite monstrous, it is not a monster, and its Unit Strength is 5.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Does the Doomwheel need to see the target unit before moving in order to charge it?

No, it doesn't. So it can charge an enemy that was behind it, for example.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If a Doomwheel's random movement would be enough to bring it into contact with an enemy unit, is that unit allowed charge reactions?

Yes. Measure to see if the charge is in range first and then declare the reaction. If the unit flees out of reach, move the Doomwheel after it the entire distance rolled.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can a Doomwheel start its move in a unit's front arc and move around the target in order to charge it in the flank, or from the flank to the rear, or even from the front to the rear, for that matter?

No, the Doomwheel must still obey the charging rule stating that it must charge the target in the same arc it begins the charge movement in.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Must a Doomwheel roll to hit with each 'Zzzzap!' bolt? Can it stand and shoot? Can it shoot units in close combat? If so, are the hits randomised as with Expendable?

No it does not roll to hit – bolts automatically hit the closest unit (literally!), whether it is in combat or not, so there is no randomisation. And no, it cannot stand and shoot, its lightning attack only happens in each friendly Shooting phase.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If a unit is affected by the Curse of the Horned Rat and not entirely destroyed, who choses which models are removed as casualties?

The player controlling the affected unit. Normally, characters and champions are more resilient than normal rank-and-files to the mutating effects of the Curse.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

As the Curse of the Horned Rat states that the new unit can have 'any normally allowed equipment or command', can you replace two of the models with a weapon team?

Most definitely not: 'equipment' refers to their choice of weapons, and 'command' to the champion, musician and banner. Nice try!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can I cast Wither on friendly units?

Yes, but your plan would have to be really, really cunning and treacherous for you to gain any advantage by doing so...

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What are the Unit Strengths and base size of a War-litter? And what about a Bonebreaker?

For both models, we suggest using a Unit Strength of 3 (plus 1 for the Warlord), and a base size of 40mm square. However, do keep in mind that, as for all conversions, there are no strict rules about base size (other than: 'Be reasonable!'), and that any forthcoming Citadel miniature might be different from this suggested size.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What's the base size of a Hell Pit Abomination?

We suggest 60 x 100 mm. However, do keep in mind that, as for all conversions, there are no strict rules about base size (other than: 'Be reasonable!'), and that any forthcoming Citadel miniature might be different from this suggested size.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What are the Unit Strengths (and base sizes) of Warplock Jezzails and Weapon Teams?

They are all Unit Strength 2. The safest bet is to assume they are all on a cavalry base, even though they are obviously infantry models. However, do keep in mind that, as for all conversions, there are no strict rules about base size (other than: 'Be reasonable!'), and that any forthcoming Citadel miniature might be different from this suggested size.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

The Hell Pit Abomination's description does not exactly describe how it flees/pursues.

It flees/pursues 3D6", and note that you don't roll on the 'Berserk Abomination chart' when you roll a triple for fleeing/pursuing.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What's the range of the Warp-Lightning Cannon?48" or 60"?

It counts as a Cannon (as opposed to a Great Cannon), so its range is 48".

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Regarding the Doom-flayer's armour save, does it get it only against hand-to-hand attacks, or also against ranged ones? And what about against result 3-5 of its own Mishap chart?

It's for both ranged and close combat attacks. Hits from the Mishap chart are treated as hits against its side/rear (as in reality they would be coming from inside it!), so the machine does not get any armour save against them.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What is the Unit Strength of a Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace?

For both models, we suggest using a Unit Strength of 6 (plus 1 for the rider).

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

The Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace serves as a mount for a Grey Seer/Plague Priest who (with his 'mount') has to join a unit at the beginning of the game. What if your army does not include an appropriate unit for it to join?

If you don't have a unit for the Bell/Furnace, you can deploy it, but it won't be able to move for the rest of the game. So why would you do that?

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can I join other characters to the units with the Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace? They make their units Unbreakable and non-Unbreakable characters cannot join Unbreakable units.

At deployment, characters can be deployed in the unit pushing the Screaming Bell and they will also become Unbreakable. The drawback to this is that they cannot leave the unit as long as the Bell is still there. Once the game is started, no characters can join the unit as long as the Bell remains, as characters cannot join an Unbreakable unit. The same goes for the Plague Furnace, except that the only characters that can be deployed in its unit are those belonging to Clan Pestilens (i.e. Plague Priests, Lord Skrolk, and any other Pestilens characters we might publish or you might design). The reason for this is that the Furnace only makes Plague Monks Unbreakable and no other Skaven.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If the unit that is pushing the Bell/Furnace is completely destroyed, can the Bell/Furnace join another unit (or vice versa), so that it can be moved again?

No, once its unit is gone the Bell/Furnace is stuck for the rest of the game, but it is still Unbreakable.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If the rider is killed, what happens to the Bell/Furnace?

It continues to function normally inside its unit. The only difference is that all ranged attacks against it will hit the Bell – no need to randomise.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Are the dice used to ring the Screaming Bell power dice? If so, are they taken from the pool, from the Grey Seer's, or neither?

The dice rolled for the Screaming Bell are not power dice, but, as at least one of its effects can act as spells, it is still best to roll the Bell's powers before casting spells.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What types of movement within their own unit can the Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace execute during a game? For example, can it move within the ranks to reach a fighting position?

When the unit executes any manoeuvre (other than a wheel), the Bell/Furnace is immediately moved to the centre of its front rank. If the unit is engaged in combat, the Bell/Furnace is stuck in place and cannot be moved within the ranks until the unit can manoeuvre/reform again.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can 'Billowing Death' be used when the unit marches?

Yes, the great censer works nicely with an extra bit of forward movement!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

How many attacks does the Plague Furnace gain from Frenzy?

Just one, for a total of 7 attacks. This represents the fact that the Monks mostly channel the energies of their frenzy into swinging the great censer!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Do models killed by 'Maddening Fumes', 'Enshrouded by Fog', plague censers' fumes, magic banners or indeed any other rule that has a chance of causing damage on your own units count against who can attack in combat? And how about combat resolution – do these wounds caused on your own unit count towards the combat resolution score?

Yes, they do count, just like impact hits would. The wounds caused by these rules on the enemy are added to your side's combat resolution score, while those caused on your own unit are added to the enemy's combat resolution score. Note that this answer covers everything that can cause wounds in combat both on the enemy and on its own side (and the Skaven are famous for this kind of 'accident').

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What manoeuvres, if any, are permitted with the D6" of movement granted by the 'Unholy Clamour' and 'Avalanche of Energy' results on the Bell chart?

The unit can only advance straight forward and/or wheel, nothing else.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What is the Leadership value of a Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace?

They have Ld 0 (-) and so will fail Ld tests automatically, but as they are Unbreakable, this will matter only very rarely (spells and magic items that force Ld tests, etc.).

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

The Warlock Engineer can choose a Warlock-augmented Weapon as a piece of equipment. This weapon is also a magical weapon. Does that mean that only one Warlock Engineer in all the army can take this option? The same question applies to Death Globes and the champions of units of Globadiers.

All Warlock Engineers can choose a Warlock-augmented Weapon from their basic equipment, and this was intended to make them more freely available for players wishing to field them. This still counts as a magic weapon from all points of view (so, for example, the Warlock Engineer cannot buy another magical weapon). In addition to Warlock Engineers, a single other character in the army can pick a Warlock-augmented Weapon as his magical weapon. Exactly the same goes for Death Globes –all Globadier champions can have them, as well as one character.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Gutter Runners can be upgraded to have Poisoned Attacks, and Assassins have this rule by default. Is this the Poisoned Attacks as described in the Scavenge Pile (page 33), or the Poisoned Attacks as described in the special rules of the rulebook? In other words, do the models get poisoned throwing stars and/or slings?

Assassins, and Gutter Runners that upgrade to Poisoned Attacks, use the normal rules (the Scavenge-pile only refers to non-Eshin characters) –that is, Assassins and Gutter Runners have poisoned throwing stars and slings!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

As Boneripper is Unbreakable, he cannot join non-unbreakable units, including Thanquol. Is this OK?

Yes, Thanquol rather prefers that his bodyguard protects him from a distance (we suspect that he does not entirely trust this 'gift'...).

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What are the VPs for Boneripper?

On his own, Boneripper is not worth anything. His points values are incorporated into Thanquol's, much like the cost of a magic item.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Does the Doomrocket need line of sight to a target? Can it be used to stand and shoot?

No, the Doomrocket does not need line of sight, as it's simply fired in a nominated direction. It can be used to stand and shoot. Essentially, it follows the normal rules for missile weapons, except that it does not roll to hit and instead has its own firing rules.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

When a new unit is created using the Curse of the Horned Rat, where is it placed and in what formation/facing etc?

The Clanrats are placed in the same position, formation and facing of the destroyed unit (imagine you are literally replacing each model with a Clanrat). If the destroyed unit was a skirmishing unit, replace the models and then immediately form the Clanrats up and roll a scatter dice to determine the unit's facing.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If a template weapon fires into combat using the Skavenslaves' Expendable rule, how are hits distributed?

In this case, ignore the randomisation roll and simply hit all models touched by the template.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

When a model with a Plague Censer causes a wound on a ridden monster or other model with separate target-able components, how is the damage distributed?

Take a Toughness test with the best Toughness value available to the ridden monster/chariot/multiple statline model and then if the test is failed, randomise the wound as you would for a missile hit.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can a unit of Night Runners accompanied by a character make a 'Slinking Advance' move?

Only if it's a Clan Eshin character.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Can Assassins be revealed only when the unit hiding them is in combat? The placement rules only allow Assassins to be placed where they can fight.

No, they can be revealed even if the unit is not in combat, in which case he must be placed in the unit's front rank, just like any other character.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Are the Rat Swarms generated by 'The Rats Emerge' worth any victory points?

The unit is worth 50 victory points, regardless of its size. It just seems fair!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

When an Abomination/Doomwheel flees, does it pass through friendly units or stop as specified by 'Shambling Horror' and 'Rolling Doom'? If it passes through, does it cause impact hits?

Fleeing Abomination/Doomwheels move through units as normal, inflicting impact hits just like a chariot would.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

If an Abomination suffers a 'Fluid Injected!' result, are any subsequent close combat hits resolved at S7?

Yes, as its Strength affects the Strength of its attacks.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What happens if an Abomination rolls 'It's Alive!' but there is insufficient room to replace the model within 3" of the marker and 1" from enemy?

It is destroyed, just like the rats that might emerge from its carcass.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What range is used for a Warpfire Thrower's Stand and Shoot reaction?

The Warpfire Thrower is fired before the charging unit is moved. If the target is too far, then we suggest fleeing instead...

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Does a 'Bbbbrrrrrttt!' result include the shots from the dice that caused the Misfire?

Yes, it does, just like in the 'Spins Wildly' result.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Are the shots from a 'Spin Wildly' result limited by the weapon's range?

Yes, the shots stop after travelling 18".

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

At what Strength are impact hits from the Doom-Flayer resolved? The machine's or the weapon team's?

The machine's – Strength 4, -2 armour save modifier.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

What is the Unit Strength of the Warp Lightning Cannon?

The same as its number of crew, which is 3 (even though the models are not separate).

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Does Storm Daemon's lightning attack ignore armour saves?

The 'no armour save' applies only to the close combat attacks made by the weapon. Hits from Storm Daemon's magic missiles have a normal -2 armour save modifier.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Are eligible characters permitted a 'Look Out, Sir!' roll against Cracks Call?

Yes they do, as this spell pretty well fits the rulebook definition of 'a ranged attack with unique targeting rules, which allow the player to deliberately aim his shot at a character inside a unit'.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

Must models in a building hit by Crack's Call take an Initiative test regardless of whether the building collapses?

No, as the exact position of the models is not known, the 5+ roll for the building effectively replaces the individual tests for the models in the unit. Initiative tests aplenty will need to be taken if the building collapses, of course!

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

How are casualties from the Curse of the Horned Rat distributed? Can characters in a unit of 5 or more rank and file models be harmed?What if they are mounted on a steed or monster?

The casualties are distributed as hits from shooting. If the unit includes characters, just follow the normal rules for shooting hits against such units. However, if the characters in the unit are Unit Strength 5 or more, they are not affected by the spell at all and casualties will fall amongst other models in the unit (just imagine the characters are not there). If the unit is destroyed by the spell, the player controlling the characters must place them anywhere 1" away from the newly formed Clanrats, facing in any direction.

Source: Official Skaven FAQ

How long does the Rival Hide Talisman's effect last?

One round of close combat only (i.e. one 'set of attacks').

Source: Official Skaven FAQ