A unit can make its move freely as long as it stays 1" away from all enemies during its entire move.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition
Movement - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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Is a unit stopped the instant it comes to a distance of 1" from an enemy unit, or can it finish its move as long as it stays 1" away from all enemies?URL Copied!
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Can a unit declare a charge against an enemy that is obviously out of range (for example if it was deployed 24" away and has not moved)? This could be useful to get the unit out of the way of another friendly charging unit...URL Copied!
The rules for charging on page 18 state: 'When you declare a charge you must do so without measuring the distance to the target, you must rely on your estimate of the distance to ensure that your troops can reach their target'. Emphasis on the 'ensure'. Therefore, declaring a charge that you know cannot be completed (like charging a unit 24" away) is cheating.
In cases where it's not obvious how far away a target unit is, the decision to charge or not is left to the conscience of the charging player (see also the 'Awkward charges' appendix). Our players, which are of course all sportsmen, will never declare a charge if they think their unit cannot complete the charge in order to gain an unfair advantage!
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Can you declare a charge if the only way the charge can be completed is if some other conditional event occurs? For example, are you allowed to declare a charge to a visible enemy unit in a situation where the only way you can complete the charge is if one of your own units fails its rally test and continues to flee?URL Copied!
A very interesting question, and not an easy one to answer! Yes, we think it's acceptable to declare a charge in this kind of situations, and if the condition does not allow the unit to complete the charge (the friendly unit in the way does rally, in the example above), the charge fails.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Imagine that a friendly unit is engaged in close combat with an enemy unit from a previous turn. In the current turn, another friendly unit, which is in the front zone of the enemy unit, wants to charge into the combat, but the entire frontage of the enemy unit has already been taken up by the friendly unit that was there from a previous turn. Is the unengaged friendly unit allowed to charge the flank of the enemy unit?URL Copied!
No, you may charge the flank/rear of an enemy only if you are in that enemy's flank/rear zone. Therefore the unit in the example above must move until it is in the enemy unit's flank zone before it can charge its flank.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
How does a unit flee from a charge that results from compulsory movement (for example, a charge from a model that moves randomly in the Compulsory Moves, like a Chaos Spawn)?URL Copied!
If the movement of the Compulsory moving unit is found to be in range (i.e. it's a valid charge!), and the charged unit flees, the fleeing movement is resolved immediately, and finally the compulsory move of the charger is resolved.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Does a unit that moves via compulsory movement have to obey the normal charging conventions regarding Front/Flank/Rear? Or may such a unit (e.g. Chaos Spawn) hit a side of an enemy unit different from the one where they began their move?URL Copied!
They must obey the normal rules, and so if they would hit a side of the enemy that they cannot charge, they must stop 1" away from the enemy.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
When a unit that moves via compulsory movement (e.g. Night Goblin Squig Hoppers) returns to the table after pursuing an enemy, is the unit allowed to move?URL Copied!
No, it cannot move further that turn, as the compulsory moves part of the Movement phase has already passed.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Is a non-skirmishing unit that moves via compulsory movement (e.g. Chaos Spawn, Snotling Pump Wagon) allowed to pivot to change its facing at the end of its move (to set-up favourable alignment of enemy charges, etc.)?URL Copied!
This is never clearly specified, but we think it is best if they remain facing the direction they moved in. This not only looks and feels 'right', but also remains in line with the way fleeing units move (they are, after all, by far the most common type of unit subject to compulsory movement).
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
May charging units wheel more than is necessary to maximize models in the combat when they are charging? This is sometimes referred to as a 'tactical wheel' and can be used against Skirmishing units to set up advantageous pursuit/overrun paths, or against other wider formed units to avoid contacting a character placed on the corner of the unit, etc.URL Copied!
All charging units (including chariots, monsters, etc.): 1) Must try and bring as many models into the combat as possible, and 2) can wheel (or pivot) only once during the charge move.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
The rules for Enemy in the way on page 23 only cover the case of enemy units getting in the way of the chargers. What happens if you declare a charge and then, as you move the chargers, realise that there are other things other than enemies in the way of your charge?URL Copied!
The Failed Charge rules on page 21 state that a unit may fail a charge because 'the enemy has fled out of reach, or if you have estimated your charge incorrectly'. This includes situations when a unit declares a charge and then finds out that the charge cannot be completed for reasons other than enemy in the way (e.g. not enough space to squeeze through terrain, friendly units blocking the way, and so on). In such cases, the charge is failed, and the charging unit must stop in contact with the friendly unit or impassable terrain blocking its way,, or inside the difficult terrain slowing it down, etc. Note that the charge reaction declared by the enemy still stands.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Let's assume that a unit charges enemy unit A, and A flees from the charge, revealing enemy unit B now in the path of the chargers. If the charge is re-directed against B, and B decides to flee as well, does the charging unit now have to move after B or continue towards A (its original target)?URL Copied!
As the charging unit has declared a new charge, it will have to go after the latest unit it has charged (B in the example above).
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Imagine that the charged unit flees and another enemy unit, which is in the way of the chargers, is out of sight of the charging unit. Can the unit declare the new charge against the unit in the way if it cannot see it?URL Copied!
Yes, as this represents the unit spotting a new target as it thunders towards the fleeing enemies.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Can the Enemy in the Way rule allow you to charge the same target multiple times? For example, the initial target (unit A) flees through friendly unit B (which doesn't panic), stopping just behind it. The charger may thus change the charge towards target unit B. Unit B then flees as well, going through unit A. Can the charger now change the target back to unit A? And what happens if the unit in the way is not visible to the charger?URL Copied!
Yes, and this process will continue until the situation comes to either a successful charge or a failed charge. Note that units that are charged again through this process do not get a new charge reaction, which may sometimes mean that when the charging unit will finally move its full charge distance, it may destroy several units that fled from its charge.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
When multiple friendly units charge a single target, can they cross each other's paths?URL Copied!
Yes they can, so long as doing so doesn't reduce the number of models engaged.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Page 12 states 'A cavalry mount with barding suffers a -1" move penalty.' Does this apply to chariots and other horse-powered engines that do not follow cavalry rules?URL Copied!
Yes, as normally they are the same creatures that are slowed down by barding when ridden by other models in that army.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
How does a unit on non-square bases (i.e. cavalry) execute a 90-degree Turn manoeuvre?URL Copied!
Simple! First Turn the front rank 90 degrees towards the intended direction, rotating the model(s) in the centre of the front rank around their centre. Then do the same with the rear ranks and move them back into contact with the first rank. Because the models aren't on square bases, this turn will result in the formation changing shape slightly.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Are models in a unit executing a Change Formation manoeuvre allowed to move more than twice their Movement rate?URL Copied!
Yes, they are, as the limit only specifically applies to the Reform manoeuvre.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Are you allowed to pre-measure potential distances moved prior to moving units in the Remaining Moves step of the Movement phase? For example, when moving a Flyer during Remaining Moves is it legal for a player to measure 20" to several different spots on the battlefield to determine his most advantageous move?URL Copied!
Yes, this is fine.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)