Yes, before re-rolls, unless a special rule specifies differently.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition
Magic - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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Do the rules for double 1s and 6s for dispelling spells follow the same guidelines as the one for casting spells (ie. do the double 1s and 6s have to be considered before any re-rolls, unless otherwise specified)?URL Copied!
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Some magic items allow the player to store excess dice in the magic phase. Are these dice common or do they belong to the wizard carrying the item?URL Copied!
This is normally specified in the item's description, but if there is any doubt the following applies: The unused dice that can be stored at the end of the magic phase are those of the wizard himself and those of the pool. In the following magic phase, all stored dice go back into the pool.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 1 (December 2006)
Miscast table, #5-6: allows the opponent to immediately cast one of their own spells for free and states 'but it can be dispelled by the player whose turn it is as normal (by using power dice in the same way as dispel dice).' May the player whose turn it is also use scrolls, runes or other means to dispel the free spell?URL Copied!
Of course. The only exception to normal dispelling is that power dice are used as dispel dice.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Another Miscast table, #5-6 result query. Can the opponent use a Bound Spell or ability which works like a Bound Spell (e.g. Prayer of Sigmar) if this result is generated?URL Copied!
Yes, bound spells can be cast this way, as can Tomb King Incantantations, and so on.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)
Miscast table, #8-9. Are the 'remains in play' spells the only ones to be dispelled, or does it also cover 'spell lasting one or more turns' which cannot be usually dispelled?URL Copied!
'All spells in play' covers all spell, including those that are not technically 'Remains in play', but have effects lasting a certain amount of turns.
Source: Official 7th Edition FAQ, Part 2 (January 2009)