Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

High Elves - Frequently Asked Questions
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In situations where both players have units with the Always Strikes First (ASF) rule, what impact does charging and 'Strikes Last' weapons have on determining who strikes first?

When two models with the ASF rule are fighting, they will strike in descending Initiative order, rolling a dice in case of same Initiative. All other factors, such as charging, great weapons, etc. are ignored, because they have been bypassed by the ASF rule.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

Do Lion Cloaks provide any form of protection against magic missiles (or other forms of direct damage magic)?

No. Lion Cloaks only provide protection against 'shooting attacks'. While magic missiles and other forms of direct damage magic may follow some of the shooting rules for target selection, randomization of hits, etc. they are not defined as 'shooting'.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

How many Victory Points should a Sun Dragon ridden by a Dragon Mage be worth?

230 Victory Points. The Dragon Mage himself is 120 pionts plus any upgrades and magic items.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

What is the proper base size for a Sun / Moon / Star Dragon?

Base sizes of both 50mm square and 50mm wide by 100mm deep are acceptable for Sun / Moon / Star Dragons.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a model (or its mount) equipped with Dragon Armour is hit by a flaming cannonball, flaming bolt, flaming sword, etc. is the model immune to the entire attack or will they be crushed by the undrlying bolt, cannonball, sword,etc.?

They are immune to the entire attack. The rules are clear, and obviously the alchemical reason for this is that the armour repels both the element of fire and the vessel that is imbued with it.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

Does Drain Magic affect Bound Spells or Tomb Kings incantations?

No as they don't have a casting value.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

If Drain Magic has been successfully cast, does the spell make it more difficult to dispel Remains in Play spells? For example if a High Elf Archmage successfully casts Flames of the Phoenix upon the enemy and a High Elf Mage subsequently successfully casts Drain Magic, would the enemy need to roll a "14" to dispel it in his turn? Or would the enemy only need to roll an "11" to dispel it in his turn?

The enemy would need a 14 - Drain Magic does make Remains in Play spells more difficult to dispel, as it raises their casting value. When Drain Magic stops working, however, the Remains in Play spells revert to their original casting value.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

Does Tyrion have a 1+ or 0+ armor save?

0+. He does not count Malhandir's barding, but he is still mounted (and thus entitled to the +1 Armour Save bonus). The Dragon Armour of Aenarion grants him a 1+ armor save but it doesn't say it cannot be modified further.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

What is the proper base size for Tyrion and Malhandir?

As Malhandir is now a one wound cavalry mount, the proper size is a 25mm wide by 50mm deep base (i.e. a cavalry base).

Source: High Elves Army Book page 64 / Rulebook page 71

Is Teclis considered to be a High Elf Archmage for purposes of granting an army he is included in a +1 to dispel?

Yes, he is the High Loremaster of Hoeth.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

Does the Phoenix Blade confer +1S to Caradryan? The background text of the rule indicates that the Phoneix Blade is a halberd, but the term "Halberd" does not appear in the rules for the weapon.

Yes, the Phoenix Blade was corrected via errata to count as a Halberd (and thus confer +1S to Caradryan).

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

If Remains in Play spells which cause damage at the start of an enemy magic phase are in play and a High Elf player wishes to use the Vortex Shard, which occurs first? The enemy damage spells or the Vortex Shard?

The text of the item provides no guidance to answer this question, thus you would be required to D6 for it each time per 'The Most Important Rule'.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ / Rulebook page 3

If enemy has magic items or special abilities that are activated at the start of his magic phase and a High Elf player wishes to use the Vortex Shard, which occurs first? The enemies magic items / special abilities or the Vortex Shard?

The text of the item provides no guidance to answer this question, thus you would be required to D6 for it each time per 'The Most Important Rule'.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ / Rulebook page 3

Does a model with the Reaver Bow suffer the -1 to hit penalty for firing multiple shots?Also, may a model with the Reaver Bow fire it three tiems as part of a Stand and Shoot reaction?

No (it does not have the 'multiple shots' rule) and no (it can only fire three times in the Shooting phase).

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

How do the Pendant of Vengeance and Thorek Ironbrow's Kraggi re-rolls interact?

Remember a dice can only be re-rolled once, so the two never interact at all.In other words, the Pendant forces you to re-roll successful rolls and Kraggi allow you to re-roll a failed roll, but in both cases you cannot then re-roll the second result. Thus if Thorek's initial strike against the anvil is successful, the Pendant of Vengeance may be used to force him to re-roll the strike. Kraggi's re-roll will be ignored in this instance. If Thorek's initial strike against the anvil is unsuccessful, Kraggi's re-roll may be used and the Pendant of Vengeance will be ignored in this instance.

Source: Official High Elves FAQ

Does the Talisman of Loec allow the bearer to re-roll all unsuccessful rolls to hit / wound? Or is he forced to re-roll all rolls to hit / wound, even those that are successful?

The FAQ Council is in agreement that the intention of this item is to allow the bearer to re-roll all unsuccessful rolls to hit / wound.He is not forced to re-roll successful rolls to hit / wound.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 103 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Standard of Balance remove hatred / frenzy from an enemy unit for the remainder of the game?Or does it only remove hatred / frenzy while the affected enemy unit is in contact with the unit carrying the Standard of Balance?

The Standard of Balance removes hatred and frenzy "in the same way as a unit that has already fought and lost a round of combat".Therefore, hatred is lost until the next "first round of combat" as normal and frenzy is lost permanently, as it is not normally regained after a round of combat has been lost.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 101 / Rulebook pages 52, 53