Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 7th Edition

Chaos Dwarfs - Frequently Asked Questions
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The Chaos Dwarfs army list indicates that the army may select common magic items from the rulebook, however, there are no points costs listed for the items. How many points are each of the common magic items?

As the Chaos Dwarfs army list was developed in conjunction with Warhammer 6th edition, use the points costs for the common magic items listed in the 6th edition Rulebook. For those players who are new to the game with 7th edition, the points costs are as follows:

  • Sword of Striking - 30 pts

  • Sword of Battle - 25 pts

  • Sword of Might - 20 pts

  • Biting Blade - 10 pts

  • Enchanted Shield - 10 pts

  • Talisman of Protection - 15 pts

  • Dispel Scroll - 25 pts\

  • Power Stone - 25 pts

  • Staff of Sorcery - 50 pts

  • War Banner - 25pts

Source: Warhammer 6th Edition Rulebook / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What does the term "Lapping Around" refer to in regards to Sneaky Gitz?

Ignore all the references to "Lapping Around". "Lapping Around" was a main rule from Warhammer 6th edition and it no longer applies.

Source: Chaos Dwarfs Army List / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What is the correct number of crew for Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers?

P.33: Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower entry. Change the Unit Size rule from "1 War machine with 3 crew" to "1 war machine with 2 Hobgoblin crew".

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 40

Are Flying moves affected by the Earthshaker's special rules?

Yes. The Earthshaker's description states "Any troops within this distance in inches from the centre of the template move at half rate in their next turn...". No exceptions for flyers are noted.

Source: Chaos Dwarfs Army List / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do Chaos Dwarfs benefit from the Dwarf special rules of 'Ancestral Grudge', 'Relentless', and starting with a base of four dispel dice?

No. Chaos Dwarfs are a separate race from Dwarfs and do not benefit from these special rules.

Source: Chaos Dwarfs Army List

Are Chaos Dwarfs players suppose to use the Orcs & Goblins Army Book?

Yes. In US White Dwarf #250 on page 11 it states:

Ravening Hordes - Chaos Dwarfs

The new Orc & Goblins Army book completely replaces the list in Ravening Hordes. However, dedicated Orc & Goblin armies are not the only ones to employ the Greenskins in battle. The Chaos Dwarfs also use them and, as the complete rules are now out, it will be good to use them for the Chaos Dwarf's slave troops, too. To do this you'll obviously need both Ravening Hordes and the new Orc & Goblins book. The following changes bring the list up to date:

  • Replace the Special unit entries in Ravening Hordes for the Orc Boyz, Goblins and Black Orcs with the following army list entries from the Orc & Goblin Armies book: Goblins, Orc Boyz, Orc Arrer Boyz, and 0-1 units of Black Orcs. Orc Boyz may be upgraded to Big'Uns as per the normal rules in the book. All these units count as Special units in the Chaos Dwarf army.

  • Delete special rule 5 about Orcs ignoring panicking Gobbos (this is replaced by the full rules from the book)

  • Troops described in the Orc & Goblin book follow the rules there rather than the shorthand versions in Ravening Hordes.

  • Hobgoblins suffer Animosity just as a unit of Goblins would in the Orc & Goblin book. This replaces the animosity rule in Ravening Hordes (special rule 3).

Source: US White Dwarf #250 page 11

May Greenskin units in the Chaos Dwarf army use the magic banners from the Orc & Goblin army book?

No they may not. Greenskins in a Chaos Dwarf army are not part of a free Orc and Goblin Waaagh!, they are slaves and do not have access to the magic banners in the Orcs & Goblins book. Note however that due to the White Dwarf update (see Q&A above) a unit of Orc Big 'Uns and Black Orcs may carry the magic banners available to the Chaos Dwarf army (e.g. The War Banner and The Banner of Slavery).

Source: Chaos Dwarfs Army List / US White Dwarf #250 page 11 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can you Killing Blow a Bull Centaur?

Yes. As a Bull Centaur is US2 it is not immune to Killing Blow.

Source: Rulebook pages 94 and 95 / Chaos Dwarfs Army List

Do Bull Centaurs receive +1S or +2S when using a Great Weapon? Also, may they benefit from the "Fighting with hand weapon & shield" rule?

Bull Centaurs are cavalry in all respects except they use equipment as if they were infantry and gain no armour save bonus for being mounted.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What is the correct description for Blunderbusses?

P.32: Blunderbuss rules. The last two sentences should be changed from "Hits are resolved at S3 if firing in 1 rank, S4 if firing in 2 ranks and S5 if in 3 or more ranks. Ranks must be complete to count." to "Hits are resolved as S3 plus 1 per extra rank up to S5. Ranks count if at least 4 wide. A single character in the front rank will not effect the unit's fire."

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 40

How exactly do Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses work with the Stand and Shoot charge reaction?

The rules are applied exactly as with any other unit. If the chargers start within 12" then any models within 12" may be hit. If the chargers are outside 12", the charging unit is stopped at maximum range as normal, and so in this case only the front rank of the charging unit will be in the zone of fire.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120

Do Blunderbuss units need line of sight and range to a declared enemy target unit in order to shoot?

Yes, as no exceptions to the main rulebook requirements for these items are listed in the Blunderbuss special rules. Note however that all enemy models caught in a Blunderbuss unit's 'fire zone' will be hit as normal, regardless of whether or not they belong to a enemy unit which the Blunderbuss unit has LoS to.

Source: Chaos Dwarfs Army List / Rulebook page 26

Is a Blunderbuss unit allowed to shoot if the 'fire zone' will cover friendly models not engaged in close combat?


Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

How do I resolve the shooting of a unit of Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses that is firing from inside a house?

Their 'fire zone' is as wide as the face of the building they are firing from. The hits are Strength 3, +1 for every storey from which another five blunderbusses can fire.

Source: Official Warhammer 7th Edition FAQ